Friday, December 19, 2008

Weary Week!!!

Well, it has been a very long and exhausting week this week!! I have had so many emotions running through my head... anger,sadness,aggravation,hurt. I have just not been able to function normally this week at all. I can't go into any details, but all I can say is please pray for my family! As if it isn't hard enough raising 2 teenagers, trying to keep an extended family going is a pain also.

I think I'm tired of trying to keep everyone on the right track and taking care of everyone. I want to be taken care of for a change. I don't want to pay bills, make sure every one is at doctor appointments, dance class, school, etc. I just want to be pampered and not have to worry if we have the money to do something or not. My husband is very good, but he is also very spoiled and he couldn't do these things on his own. I guess that's why God put us together, so we could complete each other.

I guess everybody is ready for Christmas? I am, but not really feeling the spirit this year. I'm usually really excited, but not this year. I mean I have much to be thankful for, my father getting better and everything, but just thankful we have each day together.

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