Monday, October 6, 2008

One of those weekends!!!!

This weekend was one of the worst I have had in some time. Lonnie was home, which was good! My husband washed all the vehicles, which was good. Me and Bethany cleaned and washed clothes, which was good. Then Lonnie, Bethany, BB & me went shopping and out to eac, which was good. I guess you are wondering where the bad comes in. Well, I really don't know where it crept in either, but it was like something took over my body, mind and spirit. I was depressed to the point I could hardly walk. I know that sounds stupid, but thats how I felt. It hurt to even try and get out of bed. There are only a few people I can really talk to and feel better and they all live away from me right now, this weekend I was told that I was trying to take back my burden from God! I thought why would I want to do that. Then I thought about it and I guess that was right. I had given something over to God several months ago and have not worried about it anymore, just been depending on God and now, after 6mths I'm trying to take back some of this from God.
My friend also said every time you do that it is like slapping God in the face. I do not want to take back my felt so good when he lifted it from me....I pray that God helps me to continue to be strong and know he is in total control, even if things don't work out like I would have them to.

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